August 23, 2018

6,8 KOhm series

6,8 K Ohm

An audiovisual improvisation series

This is the story of two artists who found each other in their creative ideas, as well as in their ideas about how creativity can be expressed. "We would like to bring something conceptual and abstracted back to a broader audience. Our project aims at communicating through performance, and in doing so has the potential to free us from what we think of as given." Dimitra Kousteridou mentions.

Through audiovisual improvisation, the two artists experiment with both sounds and materials and how each alters our perception (by creating simultaneously soundscapes and artworks). "In an exploration of seeing and listening through the alienation of our senses, we invite anyone interested to experience live acts in a new way." Miriam den boer Salmón.

‘6,8 K Ohm’ is a multi-sensory performance.

The project takes its name from a part of the synthesizer that is used to produce sound during the performance. The 6.8 KOhm produces a low noise through a metal oxide film, which can then be modified by the materials and drawings that Dimitra uses on her canvas. These materials are graphite based; graphite is a form of carbon with the ability to leave marks on paper, hence its name, which means to write or draw.

During the performance, the drawing on paper is creating a movement while leaving traces, allowing the electricity to flow through the paper and translating it into sound. While sketching, qualities are shifting according to how the body interacts to what it hears, coming from the materials and Miriams' instrumental sounds.

The audience can now experience the simultaneous creation of soundscapes and artworks. Electronic sounds from a drawing and a picture directed by a violinist twist of the bow. An unexpected combination of analogue electronics and acoustic instruments, of visual and auditive stimuli, of Greek and Dutch and Mexican influence. By simply being present, the audience can witness the process of creation and become part of the environment the artists interact with.

“We discover that much of what we thought we were hearing was in reality only seen, and explained, by the context”.

6,8 KOhm on tour

All of the above is materialized in the 6.8KOhm performance.

The two artists starting from Amsterdam will give a series of workshops and concerts in Greece, touring the country from Athens to Creta and back to the Netherlands. For the production of this tour and the further development of the project the artists have started a crowdfunding campaign on Dutch platform "voordekunst". The money raised will cover the costs related to rent of the spaces, promotion, materials needed for the performance, sound equipment etc.

If you would like to support this project, please consider donating here 

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