A group lead by the 22 years old composer and saxophonist Celia Swart (Netherlands).
Her music is a merge of a great variety of influences, but the term that probably defines it the best, is groove jazz. Their live performances have the perfect balance between the creative northern composition school and the passionate southern energy. The music evolves effortlessly between these experienced jazz performers, since they don't only play Swart's originals but also some arrangements and compositions the band collectively create.
SWART is a unspoken storyteller. In their performances they engage with the audience, each composition has its own sentiment narrated in a conversation between players and auditors. Angry Woods (Celia Swart) takes the listener into the heart and soul of the forest, making him feel nature's pain caused by human actions. In contrast, the composition "Like you" by Celia Swart, tells about the feeling of liking and looking up to someone, as well as the impotence at the attempt to be like them.
One of the most important moments and perfromances of SWART. took place at the Bimhuis, in December 2014, during the Princes Christina competition, wherein they received an honor for their original compositions.
Along Celia on alto sax, is; Raul Santana (Madrid, Spain) on piano, Nano Peláez (Coruña, Spain) on Vibraphone, Luciano Varela (Coruña, Spain) and Guillermo M. Viana (Sevilla, Spain) on Drums.